Wednesday, 16 January 2013

My day in Camden.

I managed to get out a little earlier today, think it was around 2pm. I can't seem to leave the house before that time when I am not working.

I treated myself to a mocha from Bean About Town in Kentish Town and walked down to Camden Town to look around a bit.

I need a cover for my new Samsung tablet so went into a few stores but couldn't find any, probably sold out. I also need a new digital camera so I went to PC World to see if I could decide on a camera but think I will stick to a Canon Ixus. I had an Ixus before and I tend to buy the same brands as I am used to.
Would be really nice to have a camera again so I can take better photos than I can with the phone camera. My last digital camera broke over 2 years ago when I dropped it on the floor. So it is about time.

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